The Brothers Trust is delighted to support the Spark! Book Awards – recently founded by Paddy’s old headmaster and designed to encourage children to discover the joy, the power and the value of reading.
It’s an inclusive and immersive initiative with children from almost 90 schools becoming part of a reading community and ultimately voting for their favourite books with an awards ceremony for the lucky authors, publishers and the all-important readers of course.
Literacy skills are key for a successful and fruitful life. The Spark! Book Awards, as well as organising and coordinating this event, the organisers are conscious that disadvantaged children are not always able to participate. Schools have finite resources, and some parents are unable to purchase books so that their children can participate.
This is why they reached out to The Brothers Trust for some help with funding. And it is because of our supporters that The Brothers Trust is in a position to help, so that these awards can continue to thrive and impact positively on young lives.
This YouTube video explains it very well.
We thank the organisers of The Spark! Book Awards – and today on World Book Day – we wish everyone a happy reading day.