
Come on people, let’s do this…

This is not an easy post to write. I feel a need to write with some haste but with great care also because the tone needs to be correct: arresting yet affirming but not mawkish.

An important post; I make no apology that it is longer than my usual fare. You will understand why soon enough. Please read it carefully and if you are inclined to share it, then thank you.


Completing the Circle…

A new venture for The Brothers Trust launches today, something that has been a long time in the planning and we are excited that it is finally ready to share with our supporters. Following our ‘Brothers Trust Dogs Collars’, we are excited to launch our range of Brothers Trust T-Shirts that you will have seen the brothers wearing on our most recent promotional videos. But these are not just any old T-shirts…

Myra's represents The Brothers Trust on the Spider-Man Far From Home junket

The Spider-Man Far From Home press junket in London was timely with an announcement we can make about an exciting new venture for us that - The Brothers Trust merchandise is finally approved and we are almost ready to launch. And Tom was able to wear our first Brothers Trust T-shirt when being interviewed by Myra Ali. As you will see in this video, Myra has EB - and so this is the perfect way to launch this initiative since all the proceeds it generates will go to Debra - the charity charged with combatting EB. Just raising awareness about EB and Debra is a worthwhile exercise and expertly done by Myra.